Project Background


The customer is a global group of companies that provides an extensive array of scientific instruments. Being a pharmaceutical application, the customer required consistently high purity, pharmaceutical grade water. The existing system established to produce this water quality consisted of a softener, reverse osmosis system and electrodeionization (EDI).

The customer required an EDI system that could tolerate variable water conditions effectively and produce consistently high quality water. Additionally, service became a key issue as the customer was not satisfied with the existing EDI manufacturer’s support, and expected their new EDI partner to understand the problem and work closely to resolve quality concerns as soon as possible.

Location: India
No. of Streams: 1 x 3.3 gpm (1 x 0.75 m3/hr)
Conductivity: <0.06 μS/cm

QUA Solution

Production had shut down because the client’s existing EDI could not meet the water quality requirement. QUA worked swiftly with the OEM to supply FEDI® Rx in two days, enabling them to resume production immediately. QUA was able to do this due to its high quality product and dedicated technical support team.

FEDI® Rx is a flexible solution that allows for more tolerance to feed water fluctuations, thus reducing cleaning requirements.

QUA’s representatives were available at the client’s site throughout commissioning of FEDI® Rx, and worked closely with the client engineers to ensure that high quality pharmaceutical grade water quality was delivered. The product water conductivity is consistantly 0.06 μS/cm which exceeded the client’s expectations.

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