Aquatech’s KOC project was recently featured in Water World Magazine. The project was featured in the World Water Development Report section of the magazine. The summary reads,
“Petrofac, an oil and gas services company based in the United Kingdom (UK), awarded a contract to Aquatech International for the design and engineering of a source water treatment package for Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) as part of the Lower Fars Heavy Oil Development Project, Phase One, located in northern Kuwait.
Now well underway, the project represents a benchmark in sustainable water management. The solution developed by Aquatech is the first to use municipal waste-water reverse osmosis (RO) reject to feed boilers located 120 kilo-meters away while also providing significant cost reductions to the client.
In recent years, KOC has intensified its effort to extract heavy oil. This process requires the generation of steam, and the water it uses must meet specific quality standards. For the Lower Fars Heavy Oil Project, KOC will use the complex ultrafiltration
(UF) and RO combination reject wastewater from the Sulaibiya Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Plant for the steam generation process. Aquatech says its solution will treat this complex wastewater and produce water with higher quality than that required for the once-through steam generator (OTSG) boiler for steam generation, and significantly reduce the demand on local water supplies.
The facility includes a lime and soda ash silo package, cold lime treatment package, sludge filter press package, media filtration package, UF treatment package, water softening package, RO treatment package, ozonation package, UV treatment package, vacuum deaerator package, RO polishing package, and domestic water polishing package. When it is fully operational, the initial phase of the Lower Fars Heavy Oil Project is expected to produce approximately 60,000 barrels of oil per day.”
You can read the full piece here.