ARRO - Advanced Recovery Reverse Osmosis

Increasing regulatory requirements and disposal costs around the
world are prompting industries to reduce their water footprint, and
highlight a growing need for innovation in reverse osmosis
technology. Currently, it is challenging for conventional RO
technologies to achieve recovery rates greater than 75% without
significant downtime due to frequent cleaning requirements. This
limitation consequently warrants equipment for standby capacity,
driving up installation costs. The Advanced Recovery Reverse
Osmosis process (patent-pending) effectively addresses these
constraints by achieving recovery rates up to 95% without needing
extended downtime for maintenance.


ARRO uses modular configuration and optimized element
configuration to provide a complete solution for any RO application.
This technology is disruptive in applications where an existing RO
system needs to be improved, or where a new-build RO system with
>90% recovery at low installation cost and fast return on
investment is desired. Additionally, ARRO uses contemporary
automation technology to virtually eliminate operator intervention.


Typical Applications

Food & Beverage

Data Centers




Pulp & Paper

Municipal / Commercial

Mining & Metals



ARRO Key Features

• Pre-programmed flush frequencies based on feed water quality. Flushes can be completed with or without chemical dosing

• Reduced maintenance costs and higher uptime due to minimized operating stress on 80% of elements

• Low SDI feed into ARRO guaranteed by pretreatment combining ultrafiltration and media filters when needed

• Flushing done mainly using permeate water, mitigating risk of membrane integrity loss. Water is recycled afterwards, resulting in minimal water loss

• Disposal costs reduced by up to 75%, while energy consumption decreased by 30% compared to conventional RO

• Return on investment for choosing ARRO over conventional RO is <6 months in most applications

• Automatic osmotic cleaning (OsmoCleanse) add-on available for applications with challenging feed waters

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