The Facility

Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers (RCF), a Government of India Undertaking located in Mumbai, is one of India’s largest Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) in manufacturing of Fertilizers and associated Chemicals. RCF is also one of the largest fertilizer and chemical company in Asia, and the leading producer of fertilizers in India.

Project Overview

Given that the water supply body in Mumbai increased water charges to almost a dollar per cubic meter of water in year 1998, and the huge water quantities demanded for processing of fertilizers, The RCF required a solution wherein it could effectively recycle the sewage water to be made available by the Municipal body. The raw sewage is received through Ghatkopar pumping station. The primary and secondary treatment to sewage is provided by Batliboi Corporation Mumbai.
Scope of Service

Aquatech designed and built the Tertiary Treated Reverse Osmosis plant at RCF, one of the largest of its kind in India today, which will treat tertiary treated sewage and purify it for cooling tower make up. The Aquatech Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant has a rather complicated treatment process because the municipal sewage is immensely polluted with various industrial wastes. The RO system consists of the following: Dual Media Filter, Micron Cartridge Filter followed by RO Trains operating at 85% recovery. The plant makes 13,260 m³/day of CT Makeup water. Since start-up in 2000, the RCF Plant has performed well and reliably within the design specifications. The high recovery of 85% is now considered to be an industry benchmark in producing CT makeup by tertiary effluent waste water reclamation.

Design Water Analysis

Process Flow Diagram

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