Choosing EnviQ Membranes for MBR

MBR provides a cutting-edge advantage over conventional ASP process, but what makes QUA’s EnviQ MBR technology different? Some of EnviQ’s benefits include state of the art technology, easy cleaning and maintenance, effective cleaning and low energy. For more information on QUA’s EnviQ membranes, read more below. QUA’s EnviQ® flat sheet submerged ultrafiltration membranes have been specially developed to improve the…

Managing The Economics of Water Risk

Aquatech’s Managing Director Devesh Sharma recently wrote a piece for International Desalination Association‘s Global Connection magazine. The article, titled “Managing the Economics of Water Risk” was featured in the January issue. Below is an excerpt from the article: “The issue of understanding and managing water risk has become more compelling than ever. It all starts with…

Addressing Water, Wastewater Challenges for Industrial End Users

Aquatech CEO Venkee Sharma did an interview with WaterWorld titled, ‘Addressing water, wastewater challenges for industrial end users’. During the interview, Venkee discusses some of the major water and wastewater challenges facing industrial end users and how the concept of the circular economy comes into play. Also discussed: the importance of holistic solutions. The interview took place during the BlueTech Forum,…

Aquatech Installs Wastewater Recovery Plant at Equate

The Facility Water shortage is usually the problem faced in Gulf countries. Equate Petrochemical Company is Kuwait’s first internationally joint venture company in the petrochemical sector that decided to become the pioneers to explore the possibility of recycling treated wastewater for the internal use in process requirements. Equate Petrochemical Ltd. is the single operator of…

QUA’s QSEP UF Membranes Go Global

QUA’s QSEP UF membranes have gone global! QSEP has been used for projects in various industries across 14 countries! You can see some of QSEP’s project locations below: Q-SEP®, an innovative patented solution that ensures superior water quality. Q-SEP contains an advanced Ultrafiltration (UF) fiber, prepared by an innovative patented cloud point precipitation method. This method ensures a very uniform pore size…

QUA Completes Project for Apollo Hospital

The Client Apollo Hospital is one of the best know medical care services brands in India. It is recognized as the architect of modern healthcare in India, and has emerged as Asia’s foremost integrated healthcare services provider. Apollo is India’s first corporate hospital, and is acclaimed for pioneering the private healthcare revolution in the country.…