QUA FEDI Provides Reliable Electrodeionization Solution for China Steel Producer

Project Background Anshan Steel, one of China’s largest steel producers, required demineralized water for its boiler application as the plant planned to expand its capacity. Deminieralized water is being used for high pressure boilers as part of a captive power generation plant. After evaluating the plant’s demineralization solution options, electrodeionization was chosen as the most…

Aquatech Awarded Wastewater Treatment System in US

Aquatech, a global leader in water purification technology for industrial and infrastructure markets, has been awarded a new water and wastewater treatment system for East Kentucky Power Cooperative. Aquatech will supply two Physical/Chemical Reaction Tanks & Clarifiers, designed to deliver 2 x 400 GPM product flow, and two Falling Film Evaporators, designed to deliver 2 x 120 GPM product flow. The project is…

Automobile Manufacturing Plant Project Profile

The Facility The client is a wholly owned Indian subsidiary of one of the world’s largest automobiles conglomerates. The Indian subsidiary is one of the largest manufacturer and exporter of passenger cars in India. Project Overview The client had set up a new plant and was looking to expand their ETP to treat the increased effluent. Ultrafiltration…

Aquatech’s Devesh Sharma Interviewed in Express Water

Aquatech’s Managing Director, Devesh Sharma, recently did an interview with Express Water, titled “Desalination in India is Inevitable!”. In the Interview, Devesh is asked about desalination trends and technologies. In his answers, he discusses the desalination market and the technologies that can solve the issues facing it. He also explains Aquatech’s history with desalination, including the Ghalilah…

EnviQ Replaces Outdated System for Auto Ancillary Plant

An Auto Ancillary plant located in Chennai, India was in need of a new water treatment solution. The water treatment system that they were currently using was outdated, resulting in frequent breakdowns. This meant that the client had to spend time shutting the system down and repairing the damage before returning to work. In addition, the…

Coal Fired Power Plant Project Profile

Project Background The client, a coal fired power plant located in a center-east state of India, had a requirement of a water treatment system to recycle the plant’s cooling tower blowdown water. Ultrafiltration was selected as the pretreatment of choice to the Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant. UF was required in the tertiary treatment to provide…

Aqautech Helps Italian Power Plant Meet New Regulations

Project Overview Wastewaters from FGD treatment plant can no longer be discharged into the sea due to tough Italian and EU environmental regulations. In order to overcome this major environmental problem, ENEL decided to feed the prescrubber with fresh and recirculated waters and install the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) plant so that no industrial wastewater…

Featured Solution: QSEP®

You may know about ultrafiltration membranes, so what makes QUA’s QSEP ultrafiltration membranes unique? In short, QSEP UF membranes offer high quality filtration, better availability and reliability at a lower capex and opex to consumers. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a membrane process used to remove suspended solids, colloidal matter, high molecular-weight substances, bacteria and viruses from various feed water sources. UF membranes…

Aquatech Awarded New Reverse Osmosis Project in US

Aquatech, a global leader in water purification technology for industrial and infrastructure markets, has been awarded a new project; a mobile modularized RO solution for an American multinational automaker. Aquatech will supply a two pass reverse osmosis system that will live inside a 53 foot refrigerated trailer. The water treatment system is designed to deliver total 150 gpm…