ROME, March 6, 2012 – Aquatech’s extensive experience in water treatment for oil and gas projects will be highlighted at the SPE/EDS Joint Workshop on Desalination in the Oil & Gas Industry in Rome, Italy in a presentation by Peter Dencher, Managing Director of Aquatech B.V.
Dencher will discuss Aquatech’s experience with the Mukhaizna steam flood project in Oman during the opening session, A General Introduction to Oil and Gas Projects Involving Desalination.
Aquatech’s presentation begins with background on the Mukhaizna oil field and enhanced oil recovery (EOR), and covers treatment of produced water using 2 effect mechanical vapor compression (MVC) evaporator, scale control, feed water and distillate quality, and plant operation and performance.
“We look forward to joining colleagues from around the world as we explore solutions to treat water used in the oil & gas industry. As a global leader in water purification technology for industrial and infrastructure markets, Aquatech has significant experience treating produced water in the oil & gas industry. The Mukhaizna project, which received the Water Reuse
Project of the Year Award of Distinction from Global Water Intelligence, is an excellent example of our solutions-based approach,” said Dencher.
Located in the South-Central area of the Sultanate of Oman, the Mukhaizna project is a fully integrated automated system incorporating a multiple effect MVC brine concentrator. The high purity distillate produced in this system is used as feed water for the steam generator plant.
The Mukhaizna water treatment facility is the largest thermal plant treating produced water in the world. The system consists of seven identical MVC trains, each having 42,860 BWPD (1,250 gpm) capacity. Each train is configured as a twin effect unit.
In a steam flood enhanced oil recovery process, steam is injected in the wells. Steam injection lowers the viscosity of heavy oil suitable for extraction through the production wells.
The fluid from the wells is a mixture of oil, water and gas, and it goes through a separation system to separate the three. The separated water – Produced Water – is heavily contaminated with dissolved solids and hydrocarbons. The Mukhaizna field has approximately 800 well pairs.
At Mukhaizna, approximately 90% of this produced water is purified through MVC system that generates a product of < 10 ppm total dissolved solids content to feed the once through steam generators (OTSGs) for production and injection of steam. Thus the facility has a very high recycle / reuse of waste for use in the facility that would otherwise be compensated through fresh water from the aquifer.
For information about the SPE/EDS Joint Workshop, visit
For information about Aquatech’s solutions for oil & gas and produced water, visit
About Aquatech
Aquatech ( is a global leader in water purification technology for industrial and infrastructure markets with a focus on desalination, water reuse, and zero liquid discharge. The company is headquartered in the United States, and has a significant presence worldwide through subsidiaries in India, Europe, the Middle East, and China.Aquatech strives to provide technology leadership and performance excellence to the global water industry, and aims to support its clients with cutting edge sustainable solutions, minimizing their life cycle cost, as well as their carbon and water footprint.