QUA Solution
The client considered various UF options and finally selected QUA’s Q-SEP UF membranes. The differentiating factor between Q-SEP and other manufacturer’s membranes was that Q-SEP’s patented Cloud Point Precipitation technology provides a uniform pore size distribution which reduced the number of membranes. This technology has proven to be extremely effective even in challenging effluents, and has resulted in superior and more consistent product water quality.
The Q-SEP system comprises of 7 modules, and has been operational for 5 years now. It has been performing satisfactorily and is able to provide a consistent permeate output of 20m3/hr. Q-SEP has been successfully treating the effluent at Apollo hospital site, without any rise in the trans membrane pressure, and has been giving consistent product water quality of SDI less than 3 and turbidity less than 1.