The Facility
The Cottonwood Power Project is one of the first United States power plant projects for InterGen, a joint venture between Houston-based firms Shell Oil Co. and Bechtel Corp. Located in Deweyville, Texas along the Texas-Louisiana border, the plant is a natural gas fired, four-unit combined cycle facility capable of producing 1,230 megawatts of power.
Project Overview
The feed water for the power station is river water from the Sabin River which contains high levels of colloidal silica and TOC.

Scope of Service
Aquatech determined that the river water would first need to be treated in an Actiflow Clarifier. Two MMF Units of 425 GPM (95 m³/hr) each were then provided to remove the suspended solids while an Ultrafiltration Unit of 225 GPM (51 m³/hr) net capacity with 92% recovery was used to remove colloidal silica.
Finally, a Demineralization train (SAC/SBA/MB) was provided to remove all minerals so that the plant would have the boiler make-up quality water of Conductivity: 0.1 microsiemens/cm, Silica 0.01 ppm and Sodium 0.01 ppm. This Demin train has a net capacity of 210 GPM (47.5 m³/hr) and is complete with all the auxiliaries including a cleaning skid for U/F and regeneration skids, a neutralization system and all other pumps.
Design Water Analysis